About Me

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Minnesota, United States
A graduate from Brown College with a BS in Game Design & Development. Excelling in 2D Concept Art with a good handle of 3D Modeling in 3dsMax. An eager learner and detail oriented towards artistic solutions -- "Facilitating the creative evolution from concept to completion."

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Displacing Matter

Been away for awhile.

Helping the family retire by moving West. So roughly in one week (June 10) I will be heading out with them in search of a better hunting ground. Ripe with opportunities in my chosen field... game design (hopefully the art side, but if I can toss my severed foot through a window I will).

Leaving a home/city/neighborhood I've known for, nearly, 12 years is difficult.

As well as moving away from the greatest friends I've ever known and will ever have the honor of knowing. This is also trying, but at least we are all gamers and as such will have ways to communicate and frag from afar.

Starting to 'well up' >.<

So in a week its California or bust, and by the looks of California it'll probably bust before I (we) get there. *rimshot*

The housing situation has been foiled by a brainless twit of a "realtor". He didn't figure out there was a lien on the house until we had put money down and were just about to close. Now due to that incompetence we will be living in an apartment somewhere in Chino (and for the same price of a foreclosed house and the time it has taken us we could've had a brand new house built... $300k, 6mo)

So I'll see you all on the flip side of the states.

Let the graphite fly and the bodies fall.

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